Filippo Ascione AKA Steady Stream born in Livorno in 1990, addicted by Funky music, vinyl records and the strong desire to experiment music. In just a few years they created their perfect night life circle that rapidly grew and created caos and excitement in the under.
The first music project is Circle Line, in 2011 when the founders Gabriele Carratori and Filippo Ascione driven by a strong passion for music decide to establish the event planning organization “Deep Love Factory” witch they still to this day maintain the artistic direction. In just a few years it became one of the best known establishments in Livorno.
The duo travelled around Europe and got mostly influenced by Berlin’s underground style.
He started to bring the Deep Love Factory events closer to this German style in a completely independent way. His musical selection of house music is based on electronic sounds that recall the original analogic synthesizer’s with a funky style that has become their signature. Today his artistic research include a wide range of musical genres such as Funk, Disco Music, House music, Nu-Disco and so on.
The passion that he have brings them to always look for new trending albums and to search for old vinyl’s to bring back to life. Today as the Deep Love Factory’s resident dj’s they hold many events in the city. These are completely independent events that showcases every week the best dj’s from all over Tuscany. These events quickly became very successful locally and in the whole region. Steady Stream shared the consolle with Phil Weeks, Jeremy Underground, Okee Ru, Dj Hendrix, Hunee and many more, and played in famous local party like Diagonal Club, Lattex Plus, Tropacial Animals and Burro Studio Radio Milano.

Behind HIMISS is hidden Angelica Martini, a DJ from Livorno, class of ‘01.
Angelica approached music in a completely autonomous and independent way: this is not the classic tale of a family member that is a musician and makes her discover a new world, but into that world she entered on her own, for necessity, closing behind her back the door of her bedroom.
Although her academic and educational background is in the medical field, therein lies the paradox of common points: music as medicine, music as necessity: to receive from people and to give to people.
Now the door of her bedroom is thrown wide open because HIMISS wants that world to be seen by others.
HIMISS, on the other hand, was seen by Deep Love Factory: an association of DJs, photographers and graphic designers that has been supporting Livorno's clubbing culture for more than ten years, constantly renewing it with new projects; in few years she trod the stages of The Cage Theatre, Calafuria and Fortezza Vecchia, known as the most important ones in Livorno, sharing the consolle with Burro Studio Radio, Romano Alfieri and other guests.
In the meantime, her research has been refined thanks her passion for vinyl, the attendance at sound design courses, the journeys that took her to the most important European and London festivals. To the point of creating a solid musical selection that draws on R&B, Hip Hop, Funk, House but especially the electronic and ambient genre.

Thom Treud is the name of the new artistic project curated by Thomas Mancino (AKA DJ Mancio), a fixture in the techno clubbing scene for years, who decides to materialize his ideas by creating this new alias, exploring various facets of electronic music, techno, and house.
Since 2010, he has been collaborating with Taster Peter, a pioneer in the Italian and worldwide techno scene, engaging in numerous back-to-back DJ sets. This collaboration has solidified into a strong friendship, culminating in the creation of "Extravaganza" in 2012: a brand for itinerant parties and musical exploration within the underground electronic scene. Through this platform, they invite DJs & VJs, offering music and visuals of the highest caliber.
For the past two years, Thom Treud has been the resident DJ at Deep Love Factory, developing the Love Electro party, which has rapidly achieved excellent results throughout the Tuscany.